Crunchtools Lab Environment

As a Solutions Architect for Red Hat, I have access to very nice internal lab. This lab is great for giving demo’s but it is not set-up for personal use. As such, almost all of the Solutions Architects set up their own lab environments. Since, I recently came from working at a data center, my lab is…

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KVM Virtual Network

My lab environment is supported by a KVM virtual network at each site. It includes four datacenters, more than a handful of physical machines and tens of KVM based virtual machines.    

Lastpass with Yubikey

There are several main factors in maintaining password security. When you store your passwords in an encrypted data store, also called a blob, whether it is online or not, there are two factors which need satisfied for a hacker to get your passwords. First, the hacker must gain access to your password data. Second, they must decrypt your…

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You should practice what you preach.

The title says it all. Back during my machinist days at the US Mint in Philadelphia we had a one week course in analytical trouble shooting. The course used a ficticiuous maintenance Machiinist called Ferd. Ferd always jumped to the conclusion about a problem. He walked up to a machine that wasn't working and assumed…

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the insanity that is nginx

  For the next person who wants to do this (you cant…)     <neek> how can one do a proxy_set_header inside an if? <neek> apparently that's not allowed.  because no one ever wants to           conditionally set a header to the upstream? <mfjordvald> neek: IT's a technical limitation, not a…

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server room environment monitoring solutions?

 I've been authorized to replace the home-brewed thermal monitoring system for one of the server rooms I use at work.  I haven't done any research into this since building 10 or so years ago. So I turn to you to ask: What's the current hotness in inexpensive environment (mostly thermal) monitoring solutions?

Security for vendors

I'm sure I'm not alone in asking vendors to help us comply with our security rules.  Clients bring in new tools that are unable to follow the security rules. In some cases, the clients aren't really at fault.  The clients don't really have an in depth understanding of the security policy, or may not know…

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Interviewing technique

I had an interesting interview yesterday, and learned a new technique that I thought was brilliant. I was the interviewee, and the interviewer had a few technical questions (How would you discover which program was listening on a network port?). He could have simple sat across the table from me, and read questions. Instead, he…

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