
  Registered for Lisa12, looking forward to going to the conference.    

Interviewing technique

I had an interesting interview yesterday, and learned a new technique that I thought was brilliant. I was the interviewee, and the interviewer had a few technical questions (How would you discover which program was listening on a network port?). He could have simple sat across the table from me, and read questions. Instead, he…

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Conversations on #lopsa reminded me I have a blog here. Been playing with ‘release management’ for work’s roll of RHEL. Now playing with putting the OS (or at least what we need to build it) into SVN.


/root/install.log:/usr/bin/vncinitconfig: line 139: uname: command not found When will folks learn to fully qualify commands in scripts? Or at *least* set the PATH before invoking unqualified commands.

first post

Hmmmm, exploring blogs as sysadmin tools. I have several blogs, and mostly ignore them all.