Reminder: Cascadia IT Conference – CfP deadline is the end of this month.

Call for Participation – 2011 Cascadia IT Conference
March 11 & 12, 2011
Hotel Deca, Seattle, WA, USA

The organizers of the Cascadia IT Conference invite you to submit
proposals for panels and talks to be presented at Cascadia IT Conference

CasITconf’11 is a gathering of professionals from the diverse IT
(computer and network administration) community in the U.S. Pacific
NorthWest/Canadian Pacific SouthWest to learn, share ideas, and network.

The conference includes panels; posters; presentations; invited speakers
and keynotes; and training by top-notch experts that is relevant,
useful, and recession friendly. We’re also hosting an “unconference”
track where attendees propose and host their own topics during the event.

We expect attendance of 75 to 100 IT professionals from small-, mid- and
large-sized companies and academia from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and
British Columbia. We go by many titles but everyone is invited: system
administrators, network administrators, network engineers, Windows,
Linux, Unix, DBAs, etc.

Presentation Topics

We strongly welcome topics on best practices, new developments in
systems administration, and cutting edge techniques to better manage
Linux, Unix, or Windows hosts and environments.

Presentations should be of a technical nature and speakers should assume
that members of the audience have at least a few years experience in
general IT, Linux/Unix, and/or Windows administration.

The audience will primarily hail from medium-sized businesses and
academic institutions in the Pacific NorthWest. Attendance is expected
to be 75-100 participants.

Some suggested topics (by no means exhaustive):

•System Administration
•Buying Decisions
•Cloud Computing
•Enterprise Monitoring and Management
•Identity Management
•Web and Email Management
•Spam and Virus Filtering
•Network Filtering
•Clustering and High Availability
•Log Management
•Ticketing Systems
•Bootstrapping and Automated Installation
•Configuration Management and Packaging

Topics explicitly NOT requested:

•Sales Presentations
•Vendor Product Demonstrations
•Proposals or Vaporware

While this conference is in our first year, we ambitiously imagine
presentations such as:

•An author of an open-source package explains the project, the benefits
and how it works.

•A system administrator presents about a new technique, software system,
or device he or she created.

•A senior system administrator describes the ‘lessons learned’ from
converting from one email system to another.

•Someone with recent experience in particular technology (cloud
computing, backups, Windows 7, etc.) presents “10 things I wish I knew
before I started with [name of product]”.

•A Windows engineer describes how they manage their fleet of of

Presentation Format
We are actively seeking proposals for presentations at CasITConf’11. We
have openings for:

•Lightning Talks – 5 minutes
•Posters – shown during the conference reception
•Presentations – 30 minutes including Q&A.
•Talks: 90 minute presentation (or 75 + 15 minute Q&A).
•Panels: 3-7 attendees, 90 minutes including Q&A.

Submit your Presentation
Everyone is invited to participate! Please submit the following information:

•Poster title
•Presenter(s) contact info: Name, Title, Affiliation, email address,
postal address
•No abstract needed, just a commitment to present
•Submission deadline is Friday, March 4th, 2011
•Displayed during the Friday evening reception
•See “Notes for all presentations and proposals” below for submission
email address and other info

Lightning Talks:
•No proposal required
•Organized on site
•A 90-minute session of 5-minute talks (including Q&A time)

“Presentation” proposals:
•Presentation title
•Presenter(s) contact info: Name, Title, Affiliation, email address,
postal address
•Please attach a short draft paper and/or slides in PDF form. We won’t
be publishing a proceedings but will use your finalized proposal to tell
people what your talk is about. Make sure it contains enough
information for the Content Committee to understand what you propose to
•See “Notes for all presentations and proposals” below for submission
email address and other info

“Talk” proposals:
•Presentation title
•Presenter’s Contact info: Name, title, affiliation, email address,
postal address
•Presentation summary: (3-6 paragraphs; or an outline; We’re more likely
to accept a proposal that includes details about the contents, not a
vague description)
•Presentation description: (1 paragraph, as would be printed in the
program listing)
•Presenter’s bio: (no more than 200 words)
•See “Notes for all presentations and proposals” below for submission
email address and other info

“Panel Discussion” proposals:
•We encourage attendees to create panels on topics of interest to the
community. The submitter should be committed to facilitating the panel
as well as finding 4-7 people to be on the panel
•Panel title
•Facilitator Contact info: Name, Title, Affiliation, email address,
postal address
•Panel description: (1-3 paragraphs, as would be printed in the program
•Facilitator bio: (no more than 200 words)
•Name, affiliation, and (optional) short bio of panelists.
•Would you like assistance finding additional panelists? (yes/no)
•Note: While CasITConf’11 will aid in finding additional panelists, much
higher priority will be given to proposals that include a draft slate of
confirmed panelists
•See “Notes for all presentations and proposals” below for submission
email address and other info

Notes for all presentations and proposals:
1.All proposals should be sent to
2.Submission deadline is 12-31-2010. Selections announced by 01-21-2011.
Sadly we can not accept all proposals
3.Please note that in order to give a presentation or attend
CasITConf’11, you must be registered for the conference. Presenting at
the CasITConf’11 does not entitle you to discounted or free registration
for the conference, nor priority with registration
4.Third party submissions (i.e. proposals submitted on behalf of the
presenter by a PR agency or marketing department) will not be accepted

Submissions and questions should be sent to:

Dates and Deadlines
To encourage early submissions, priority (both for inclusion and
scheduling) will be given to presentations submitted before the 31st of
•12-31-2010 – Deadline for submissions
•01-21-2011 – Final program confirmation
•03-11-2011 – Start of conference

Contact and Questions
Please see our website at for more
information on CasITConf’11 and presenting at this great event. If you
have any questions, please feel free to email the organizers at: