Managing Apple Mail and Reminders

With the trend toward email bills, it is easy for them to get lost in the shuffle of email.  It is harder to just put them on the counter and easily go through that pile looking for anything that might be a bill.  I want a reminder.  The problem is, Apple Mail doesn't have a…

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Online Map Strangeness

So today I read about the I495 bridge in Delaware that was closed for major repairs. I tried to find it on Google Maps and it doesn't exist ( I tried Mapquest and yes, there is was ( Finally I put Google Maps in Satellite view and yes there it is ( So, do you…

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The sysadmin team is not one role

A recent discussion led me to once again revisit the whole issue that a good sysadmin team is not made up of just one role repeated several times.  I may use different roles than are used in some of the standard books about the sysadmin team, but here are a few I outline:

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Steve Murawski 2014 Candidate Statement

Steve Murawski's candidate statement follows…   FIRST A BIT OF BACKGROUND I'm Steve Murawski.  I'm running for one of the open seats on the LOPSA Board.  If you haven't heard of LOPSA, stay tuned – more on that in a minute.   I've led a circuitous route to becoming a sysadmin, but when I first became…

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George Beech 2014 Candidate Statement

George Beech's candidate statement follows… A little about me Hi, I’m George and I’m running for one of the open seats on the LOPSA Board. I’ve been involved in LOPSA for about four years now. I’ve been involved with the NYC local since it started, and have been part of the LOPSA-EAST (Formally PICC) committee for…

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2014 Candidate Statement: Matt Disney

I'm privileged to have served system administrators over the past three years as a member of the LOPSA Board of Directors. I hope you will grant me the opportunity to continue serving in that capacity. My previous candidate statement provides more detail about the things I'm proud of about LOPSA and areas where I think…

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My Statement for the 2014 Elections

It has been two years and it has gone by very quickly. The link to my 2012 statement is here   When I ran for the board i was pushing for Education and the Mentorship program. So I became the liaison for the Board to the Mentorship Program. It has been a very informative…

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My 7 Year Old hacker Strikes Again

My 7 Year Old hacker Strikes Again A short while back I wrote about my 7 year old Granddaughter who I nicknamed "Kevin" due to her password cracking skills. Well today I found out she struck again. While commuting into $WORK I get a call from her father asking "Will the school charge me to…

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