2012 Candidate Statement: Matt Disney

It has been a privilege to serve the system administration community over the past year as a member of the LOPSA Board of Directors. I hope you will grant me the opportunity to continue serving in that capacity.   I have been on a fascinating career journey, working in varied environments such as dot-coms, Fortune…

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2012 Candidate Statement: Martin Gehrke

My name is Martin Gehrke, and I am running for the LOPSA board. Why am I qualified to be on the Board? While I am relatively new to LOPSA, I feel I have a lot to add. When learning that Pittsburgh did not have a LOPSA chapter, I founded one. We have grown from nothing…

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2012 Candidate Statement: Evan Pettrey

A little over a year ago, I ran into a problem that I wanted to discuss with some local IT professionals to see what see what their experience had taught them. I searched around and eventually stumbled across LOPSA, only to discover that a local chapter didn’t exist.    Inspired by the organization’s mission, I…

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2012 Candidate Statement: Kent Brodie

Hello!   I'm Kent Brodie – I currently work as a Senior Sysadmin for the Medical College of Wisconsin supporting the area of genetic research.  (If anyone has a few hundred terabytes of disk to spare, please send it my way..). I was recently asked by members of the LOPSA board to run as a candidate…

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Come join the Crabby Admins Tomorrow!

The Crabby Admins are proud to feature Tom Limoncelli speaking at our meeting tomorrow, April 4, from 7-9pm. Tom will be presenting on "The Ganeti Open Source Virtualization Project (& Why a Time Management Guru Loves It)". For anybody in the Baltimore/DC area that may not have attended a LOPSA meeting in the past, I…

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I want you!LOPSA needs your help. As you probably already know, LOPSA is an entirely volunteer driven organization. We (the board) can't do everything ourselves, so we are looking for volunteers in all sorts of areas. If you're interested, e-mail volunteers@lopsa.org.

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Punycode in the filesystem?

This has been bugging me for a couple of weeks now, so I want to put it out where it might be noticed by a few more people. Increasingly there is an assumption that one can simply use UTF8 encoding on Unix-like filesystems without any problem.  I'm pretty sure this is false; moreover, there is…

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2013 Cascadia IT Conference – 15 & 16 MAR, 2013

Yes, that's right, I'm already talking about next year's conference. To make sure we could get a reasonably sized room block in the hotel we've gone ahead and reserved Friday and Saturday 15 & 16 MAR, 2013 for our next conference. Go ahead, put it on your calendar, you know you want to. Please spread…

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Classic case of a change hurting you later

So this morning I got into work to find a that a database machine had crashed. This particular machine is a legacy, old machine (debian 4) that acts as a gateway between multiple systems so it has mounts to lots of other systems. It came back up cleanly, but two mounts did not remount properly…

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