LOPSA-ETENN’s First Meeting Was a Success!
It is my pleasure to report on the the inaugural meeting of LOPSA-ETENN. We met last night at space graciously provided by our first sponsor, Cafe 4. Eighteen people joined us for the meeting.
It is my pleasure to report on the the inaugural meeting of LOPSA-ETENN. We met last night at space graciously provided by our first sponsor, Cafe 4. Eighteen people joined us for the meeting.
Just wanted to say thanks to all the SA's that came out last night! We had an excellent turn out for our first meeting and started nailing down topics/discussions we want to happen over the next year. There were several organizations represented last night including Pilot/Flying J, TEK Systems, ORNL, Garden Montessori School, and…
We have a wonderful old solaris legacy system that runs our payroll, hr, accounting systems. Our primary, unix savvy DBA leaves on vacation and leaves some minimal instructions for the junior, non-unix savvy DBA on how to clean out the print queue when a user submits a very large job by accident (which happens way to often). Yesterday jDBA comes running over and says I cannot ssh into the unix system — sure enough, I try to ssh in and immediately am kicked right off. Soon the helpdesk is swamped with reports of users who cannot access the system any more. I hop onto my trusty console switch and log in, only to get errors where it cannot find the /bin directory. I then start asking jDBA just what the heck he did (can anyone guess…). Continue reading
So, I've been thinking hard about the value proposition for LOPSA–what makes it worth being a member? When we recruit new members, what do I tell them about LOPSA (e.g., "You should join LOPSA because…") It's been a tough question to ask. Here's why: motivations. As with any group, there are bound to…
So a friend of mine calls me to tell me that the hard drive on his Dad's mac had failed and was wondering if there was anyway to recover the data as there were no backups. My answer was 'it depends on the failure mode'. Failure modes of a hard drive are: If the drive…
So a small story: "My wife, a native Japanese, and I are started a Kitchen remodel so this weekend we went looking for new appliances. After about 90 minutes at the first store we realized that in Japan every single gas range is sold with a wok grate while in the US only one mid…
LOPSA Live Candidate Forum #2 The second LOPSA Live Candidate Forum will take place on Thursday, May 24th at 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific. The format will be identical to the first, however the time has been moved later to allow more people to take part. Join #LOPSA-Live on Freenode. You can find instructions for…
PICC'12 a Great Learning experience This past weekend (May 11-12, 2012) was the PICC'12 conference. It was a great conference. I can't thanks people enough for the work they did. Although I had the grand title of Chairmen the real work is done by all the volunteers. So I again want all the kudos to…
I want to thank those who asked me to run again for the LOPSA Board. The last election process was an education for me. One thing I got a baptism of fire og IRC. Also those lopsa-live sessions bolstered my feelings that lopsa members are an informed group and can ask the tough questions. …
Mike and I started the discussion on what makes a master IT worker after I brought up a Cal Newport post detailing some of the myths of seeking the perfect career. Much of what Cal said, I agreed with–the job you want isn't going to plop down in your lap. The job that you find to be…