2013 Elections and My Endorsements

2013 Elections and My Endorsements


    It is Election time again and this year there are six people running for five seats. I want to speak about the incumbents. This endorsement does not mean any non support for the other candidates but I want to show my support for William, Dan and Ski. The three of them do a lot of work on the board over and above the quoted "5 hour per week" involvement you are told when asked to run for office. I still do not know how they handle their day job as well as the other duties they perform on the board.

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LOPSA Internal Concern: Member Communications

This is the second in a continuing series of discussions on where I think LOPSA can stand to improve what it does, and how it does it. Most of the text is taken from my candidate statement. Right now, most of the regular communication with the members is the monthly LOPSAgram. I really like it,…

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LOPSA Internal Concern: Membership Numbers

This is the first entry in a series of topical discussions on LOPSA’s shortcomings, as I perceive them, and how I think that we should be addressing them. Most of the text is taken from my candidate statement (PDF warning). Throughout its existence, LOPSA has seen a steady increase in its membership count. The last…

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Persistent history in Powershell

One of the wonderful things about the bash shell on *nix systems is that history persists between sessions so you can easily reuse commands.  Unfortunately, this is not built into powershell on windows, but you can get close to it by putting this into your profile.ps1 which is read each time you start up powershell….

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Why I think CISPA Should Fail

So, there’s a TON of stuff going around online about CISPA – the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. There’s a great, if long, thread on Reddit, but if you want something shorter, the EFF has a FAQ, and there’s a Myth vs Fact PDF on House.gov. The overall purpose of this legislation is actually…

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Technical Resume Writing tips

I've recently read up on resume writing with an eye how I can improve my resume and job prospects.  My main takeaways were: For maximum impact, tailor the resume to the position you are applying for. Keep the resume to one or two pages long – no more! Provide a compact summary of professional experience…

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