Instant Sikuli Test Automation – A book review

Review of "Instant Sikuli Test Automation" By Ben Lau, Published by Packt Publishing in their "Instant" series, BIRMINGHAM – MUMBAI, 2013 SBN 978-1-78216-787-7 It is always dangerous applying the word "Instant" to any process requiring download and installation of software.  On page four, the authors offer a direct link to the then-current version of Sikuli. …

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2013 LISA lightning talks signups are now open

The LISA conference has a lot of interesting, informative, and invigorating content. Now it's time to add some illumination to it as well! The lightning talks are a great chance for last-minute thoughts to be presented in a public forum.   The talks will be from 16:00 to 17:30 on Wednesday the 6th of November,…

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2014 Cascadia IT Conference Call for Proposals

  Please consider submitting a tutorial or talk (or both) proposal for the 2014 CasITConf. It will be 7 & 8 MAR, 2014 at the Deca in Seattle (same place as this year's conference). Please tell anyone else you think might be interested.

Pope Francis and Devops – On Further Genuflection

I have long been uncomfortable with the branding of “devops” in what used to be the world of system administration. It’s becoming almost as dynamic and imprecise as the F-word is (just two more parts of speech to go, i think), up there with “cloud” even (someone out there must be proud).   Read more:


edit: Fixed the link to the article  There's an interesting article on the LogicWorks Blog titled, "Can (or should) DevOps Do It All?". It's a good read. You should check it out. I have some thoughts on that topic, so I went to comment, but unfortunately, I think their comment system is down, so I've taken…

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Working with Zabbx (and not against it)

Over the past week, I've learned a new way to go about working with templates, and a new (best practice?) for working with triggers (in templates).   The first trick was how to create new templates that are similar to old ones.  In the past, I always made use of the Full Clone button, renamed…

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Five Things I Hate About Zabbix

Everyone has their favorite monitoring system, or at least they've selected the one they currently hate the least (often one they've never used before).  Zabbix is … not mine.  Why, do you ask? Configuration is all database. … except for the bits that aren't (proxies) Scalability Bad data handling Customizability When the configuration is all…

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