IPv6 on a home Mac Server, a lesson

Trying to set up IPv6 each of my home nodes created an unusual challenge.  All my laptops Just Worked(tm), but the mac mini server wouldn't.  They were running the same OS version, Yosemite, but I couldn't get any IPv6 traffic to talk to my home server, running on an older mac mini.  I even went…

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LOPSA 2015 Election Candidate Questions and Answers

The format of the Q&A is a question, followed by the answer from each candidate in alphabetical order. At the end, there is a set of individual questions for each candidate. Question 1: What do you see as LOPSA's biggest challenge in the next year and how would you propose meeting that challenge? William Bilancio…

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So called friendly Man in the Middle Attacks

Lately, there have been vendors who believe it is acceptable to break into encrypted and private communications, just because the packets partially traverse a given network.  This isn't just wrong, it's dangerous. Few would argue that if you are using a Hotel wireless, that the hotel has the right to break into your communications, break…

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Elections Opened and Update

We have opened the elections as of yesterday! The elections will be open until June 30 16:00 UTC.   We're working on getting the answers together to candidate questions. The election timeline is tight this year and candidates only had a day to answer. In consideration, we have allowed candidates two additional days to answer. …

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Candidate Statement for LOPSA Board 2015

Introduction   LOPSA members outside the Seattle area may not be familiar with me, so here's a brief introduction.   I'm the IT Manager at Vaisala (formerly 3TIER) where I've worked for ten years. In that position I've been the sole IT staff, managed a growing team up to five direct reports and I currently…

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The impact of small files on backup process

The following was written by my student, Timothy Trindle. I asked him to prove or disprove a few conjectures and assertions about how NFS + default OnTap filesystem configurations suffered when massive numbers of very small files are involved. Tim devised the tests and executed them with minimal need for guidence from me. The following…

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2015 Election Candidate Slate

I'm pleased to announce the candidate slate for the 2015 election. Of the four incumbents, three are running for re-election. Dan Rich will not be running for re-election. Our candidates (click on their names to read their candidate statements): Atom Powers Chris 'Ski' Kacoroski (Incumbent) Mark Honomichl (Incumbent) Nicholas Brenckle aka Nick Danger Paul English William…

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