Hot IT jobs: Systems administrator

Here’s an “article”: from ComputerWorld/IDG, talking about what SAs are, and how companies should look for them. Not a very good article, as it undersells our value. Maybe someone can right a response to the author and get a better article published.

Novell “Not in the Unix Business”

Earlier this week, after the US Courts ruled that Novell owned the copyrights to Unix, Novell spokesman Bruce Lowry — trying to reassure the Linux community about Novell’s good intentions — proclaimed that Novell is “not even in the Unix business any more.”

If they’re not in the business, then that means the copyrights are essentially worthless to them. There are however at least three big players still in the Unix business: Sun, IBM, and HP. There’s several smaller players in the business, but really no one else worth mentioning.

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IBM to resell Solaris on Xseries

I just sat in on the teleconference with Sun and IBM announcing that IBM will become the first tier one vendor to resell Solaris on X86. Although HP has supported running Solaris on their Proliant line for several years, they have never had a reseller agreement or any kind of cooperative engineering agreement with Sun….

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Happy Sysadmin Appreciation Day

Happy “Sysadmin Appreciation Day”: Great gifts for sysadmins include “LOPSA”: memberships and registrations to “LOPSA Sysadmin Days – Philidelphia”: Check it out, Jonathan Schwartz, CEO of Sun Microsystems has posted a “blog”: entry about Sysadmin Appreciation Day! Thanks, Jonathan, for helping us get the word out about our profession!

Technology Decision Making with POETS

No, I’m not talking about using the wit of Walt Whitman or the eccentricities of Emily Dickinson for choosing technology. Nor am I talking about some new program that automates decision making for you. I’m talking about what I see as being the five main dimensions of technology decision making. I am asked repeatedly by…

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Sysadmin Short Cuts

In the last #LOPSA-live chat session, cat suggested that we need a “hints” RSS. She was suggesting that daily we should post a simple one or two liner that answers a really quick question. To use her words, “pithy one-or-so liners that are useful, but not so useful as to be worth a full posting”….

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Drupal 5.1

I run a few small websites on my home server; one for myself, one for my homeowner association, one for the people who graduated in my MBA class, etc. Someone pointed out to me the other day that the HOA website was no longer working. I don’t know when it stopped working; the last time…

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Strange Fedora upgrade problems

Ok, so I know that Redhat doesn’t recommend upgrading Fedora by changing your yum repositories and doing a yum upgrade. However, it got me from Core 2 to Core 3 to Core 4. I couldn’t understand what harm it could be to use it to go to Core 5. Yes, I’m behind, but not like you might think. I actually started this a couple of months ago before my daughter was born; I’ve been a little busy since then.

I did my normal procedure and did the upgrade. Everything appeared to go fine, the downloads happened, the new packages installed, there weren’t a whole lot of problems to work over. Then I tried to reboot to the new kernel. And the booting stopped after udev. Since I didn’t have a lot of time that day, I went ahead and booted back to the Core 4 kernel, and everything worked. Fast forward a couple of months, without having to reboot my system….
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Contrarian Systems Administration

So, all of the sudden “automation” is popular again. Luke Kanies posted a “blog”: on O’Reilly and sparked a discussion on “lopsa-discuss”: My first response got fairly long and I ran out of time for that mail message. So, I decided to move the rest to a blog post. In the intervening time, I’ve actually…

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Goooooooooo Gators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow! What an awesome BCS Championship game last night. Well, OK, maybe it was just the Gators that looked awesome. Sorry, Buckeye fans, it just didn’t look like you fielded a team last night. The Gators just did whatever they wanted last night, and the Buckeyes couldn’t stop them. I bet Troy Smith is *hurting*…

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