How to Suck at Information Security, from

How to Suck at Information Security Some of my favorites are: * Require your users to change passwords too frequently. * Expect your users to remember passwords without writing them down. * Don’t cross-train the IT and security staff. * Expect end-users to forgo convenience in place of security. * Lock down the infrastructure so…

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How I got my Inbox back.

Like many of us here, I have been reading “Time Management for System Administrators” by Thomas Limoncelli. A lot of what is in the book is common sense, things that you look at and go, “Oh! Hey, right on!” or “Why did I not think of that in that way before?”. Then I got to…

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Pumas on Hoverbikes

Ever wanted to explain to someone what managing a group of System Administrators is really like? “Benjamin Feen”: does an excellent job of telling us what it is like in his article “Pumas on Hoverbikes”: bq. […] We’ve all heard the “herding cats” analogy with regard to managing programmers. Managing sysadmins is like leading a…

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