Professionalism before you even get to the workplace.

For some reason, I get a lot of resumes from people who sign their resumes and emails (including the GECOS fields) with their irc/renaissance faire/SCA/WoW handles .. I should not have to be saying this to grown men and women (let’s face it, it’s men, and they’re not that grown), but if you cannot sign…

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LinuxFest 2008 Recap.

Last weekend we went to LinuxFest NorthWest 2008 in Bellingham, WA. It was a great time, we handed out a bunch of Tee-Shirts, met a lot of good people, and saw some interesting presentations. I even spoke with around half a dozen potential summer interns. What was really interesting, however, was the response to LOPSA….

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Just say no.

So you’ve put about 200 man hours into your configuration system this year. It’s good. There are a number of things you’d change about it, but you’re at a point that it’s running rather smoothly. All of a sudden, there’s this great new system that comes out. All of your problems are solved! It promises…

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Seattle Datacenters

Linda & I have spent the past 5 days in Seattle, looking at houses and touring datacenters. I’ve posted some of my peanut gallery comments about the Seattle datacenter scene:

First impressions of Sun X4200 server.

Shiiiiiiiiiiny. It’s a physically attractive server, and while this feature may not add any 9s to your uptime percentage, it will certainly attracted oohs and ahhs at the datacenter. Beauty isn’t just skin-deep with this server. Crack open the top (which you do by pushing down on a spring-loaded tab, then pulling up on it)…

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Discount on Personal Colocation for LOPSA Members.

BitPusher has a personal colocation offering that we provide to friends & colleagues. We usually charge $75 per month per 1U server. We’re offering a special rate for LOPSA members, however. $55/month, with no setup. More information is available at . E-mail to get signed up.