Wireless driver security flaws demonstrated

Brian Krebs’ Security Fix blog at The Washington Post, posted an article about wireless card security flaws. Though the article seems at first to focus on Apple OS X products, they were only used to demonstrate vulnerabilities found in multiple wireless drivers for a variety of operating systems. Later the article does discuss some Windows…

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Happy System Administrator Day!!

So, it’s SysAdmin Day today, so I want to thank everyone who manages a Unix, Windows, mainframe, or network based system, whether for desktop or server use. Don’t forget to nominate your favorite SA for SysAdmin of the Year! Thank your fellow SAs, too!

LOPSA posts don’t have to be so formal, eh?

So, from today’s Lopsa Live discussion, I realized that I (and maybe many others) usually consider publishing or posting to http://lopsa.org difficult because it has to be a longer or at least more formal article. I usually think of this site as something requiring some sage advice or carefully editing content before publishing. This isn’t…

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People respond to LOPSA coverage at LISA

Alas, I am not at LISA, but others are. Derek J. Balling, co-author of the O’Reilly book High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, Replication, Load Balancing & More, posts a decent summary of the recent USENIX/SAGE/LOPSA saga, putting a positive spin on it.

Managing Meetings

How does the old joke go? “Bored with work? Tired of toiling away? Have a meeting!” With most organizations today, we all too often fall prey to unproductive meetings. This leads to wasted time, frustration, and lower morale. This situation is so common, according to my anecdotal findings, that I wanted to find out if…

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LOPSA on Cuddletech

Cuddletech’s Ben Rockwood gives the super condensed version of the USENIX<->SAGE saga that led to the formation of LOPSA and speaks well of the new organization. I am hoping more press like this gets the word out and increases the number of people interested in making this succeed. It benefits us all if it does.

LOPSA stuff going on

So, with all the debates, confusion, and flurry of messages flying about, it seems that LOPSA has managed to overcome quite a pile of obstacles and emerge as a real organization doing real things. Granted, most people don’t seem much beyond a fledgling web site and some mailing lists (that still seem quite busy considering…

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