NAS appliances comparisons and pitfalls

Daniel Feenburg at [NBER|] writes a [good review|] comparing performance, reliability, price, and other aspects of common RAID NAS solutions. Among those covered are [Netapp|], [DNF|], [Excel-Meridian|], and Linux white-box with RedHat Linux and [promise|] IDE controller. What makes this version somewhat unique is it deals with the problem of secondary unrecoverable bit-errors that were…

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Ohio Linux Conf

Stephen Potter and I are meeting lots of new potential members here . At least one new member has already signed up. Since they don’t have official networking, I’m logged in via GPRS. Many people haven’t heard of LOPSA, so raising awareness is part of our target. The event looks to be a big success….

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Sysadmin Bookshelf

There’s some interest in creating a sysadmin bookshelf, which I think is a great idea. We’ve basically got all the ‘categories’ we need, I think, in the Standards category taxonomy. It’s nice to reuse things for multiple purposes. It gives a sense of coherency to site organization and allows you to browse through things in…

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Netflow tools I need to investigate

[Flowtools |] [SiLK |] [nfsen |] [nfdump |] [ntop |] [ipacco (not really netflow) |]

Notes from SPAM guru session

As promised, here are my notes on the [[anti] SPAM guru session held Thursday Decmber 7 from 9AM to 10:30AM. This document is member editable in wiki format. Add stuff as needed. Put offsite hyper links in square brackets. Put onsite hyperlinks in square brackets. Any link starting with http: is automatically hyperlinked; in square…

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Principles of volunteerism

I’ve been thinking a bit about how to foster volunteerism and developing some principles to make it vibrant and healthy. Things like: * Make realistic time committments. Saying that you can commit only 2 hours a week and delivering is better than saying you can commit 8 and delivering 4. In order to effectively divide…

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You can do that with a Netra?

Most people don’t realize the level of management information that you can get from a Netra (104 or 200 or v120). Sure, they are old and slow by modern standards, but they are extremely rugged and come in AC and DC varieties which is very handy when you are a telco shop or have telco…

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