LISA ’10 Call for Participation

The Call for Participation for LISA ’10 has just been published. If you have not attended a LISA conference before, then this would be a great year to start. Even if you don’t plan on submitting a paper or a talk proposal, reading the Call for Participation is a great way to understand how the conference works.

There is going to be a new section this year, called “Practice and Experience”. It will feature 20 minute talks where people can explain a “substantial system administration project that has been completed.” It should be a great way to learn from other people’s successes and failures. These talks do not require full papers, but will still be reviewed and chosen by the program committee.

I hope that everyone will read this year’s Call and find a way to participate in the conference. We learn best from each other. But even if your only way of participating is by attending, circle the dates now: November 7 through 12, in beautiful San Jose, California.

The full Call for Participation can be found here: