Call for Volunteers for LOPSA Activities at SCaLE (Feb. 20 – 22)

As you may have heard, LOPSA will be teaching classes for SCALE U and will be doing a booth at SCaLE this year.

All things SCaLE U can be found at

SCaLE is fast upon us and we need volunteers for the booth and to assist with the classes. We are specifically looking for volunteers for the following things:

1. Someone local with a car who is willing to act as a “gopher” during the SCaLE U classes on Friday, Feb. 20th, and when we are manning the booth on Sat., Feb. 21 and Sun., Feb. 22.
2. People who can volunteer on Sat. and Sun. for two hours shifts to staff the booth. If you are willing to do at least four shifts across both days, LOPSA will provide you with a pass to SCaLE.

If you are interested in volunteering to help us with LOPSA activities at SCaLE, please email as soon as possible.

Some info about SCaLE and LOPSA is included below.

SCaLE is the premier Open Source Community conference in the southwestern United States. SCaLE promotes Open Source software in a vendor- and distribution-neutral conference consisting of technical seminars, product display, software demonstrations, and tutorials. More information on SCaLE is available at

The League of Professional System Administrators (LOPSA) is an independent nonprofit professional association dedicated to advancing the practice of system administration. The LOPSA training program is vital part of the
LOPSA mission to serve the System Administration community and advance the profession.

LOPSA provides educational and networking opportunities, a forum for support and ideas, and an active community engaged in discussion of sysadmin issues. As a member driven organization, LOPSA’s best ideas come from its membership;
IT professionals looking to influence the field of IT can join LOPSA to find other IT professionals to collaborate on projects, advance the state of the art, and search for and share the best practices in IT.

For more information on LOPSA, visit, or contact the executive office: 15000 Commerce Parkway, Suite C, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054; Phone: 856-439-0500 or toll free at 800-285-2141; Fax: 856-439-0525;