Shellshocked – CVE-2014-6271 – Updated for CVE-2014-7169

Well this is twice in a year that I get to do an emergency patch to all my machines – Ugh! The bash vulnerability is a major one because it can affect any program that uses bash to set environment variables such as dhclient, cgi-scripts, etc. To test if you have the problem run:

env x='() { :;}; echo Vulnerable' bash -c "echo This is a test"

and if you get:

This is a test

Then it is time to patch. At least for me it was pretty easy to do: 

Ubuntu 10.04, 12.04: Run apt-get update; apt-get install bash

Debian 7 (wheezy): Run apt-get update; apt-get install bash

Debian 6 (squeeze): Add these lines to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb squeeze-lts main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze-lts main contrib non-free

and then run apt-get update; apt-get install bash.

Debian 5 (lenny): I had to build bash per the instructions located at Once I had a good binary, I could just copy it over to /usr/local/bin/bash on all my debian lenny machines and link /bin/bash to it.  This works for all non-supported OS (e.g. I used it also on an old version of OEL).

Centos 6: Run yum update bash

Mac OSX 10.6 – 10.9: A very nice person created a package for macs that is available at Just download and install.

Hope this helps other folks who need to patch their systems.


Double ugh!.  The first patch was not complete so I get to do it all again.  The test for the new vulnerability is:

cd /tmp; rm -f echo && env -i X='() { (a)=>' bash -c 'echo id'; cat echo

if you see something like this at the end of the output, you're vulnerable:

uid=1000(ski) gid=1000(ski) groups=1000(ski)

For Redhat, Centos 6, Ubuntu and Debian 7 (wheezy), Debian 6 (with new repositories) just update bash.  No updated binaries for the Mac yet.  For 3.2 source code copy this file to bash32-053, put it in your source code directory, cd into it and run:

patch -p0 < bash32-053

./configure && make

make install