LOPSA Internal Concern: Member Communications

This is the second in a continuing series of discussions on where I think LOPSA can stand to improve what it does, and how it does it. Most of the text is taken from my candidate statement.

Right now, most of the regular communication with the members is the monthly LOPSAgram. I really like it, and I think that Ski does a great job getting it out to members in a timely fashion, and with useful information on what the organization has been doing recently. As you probably know, most of the information comes from various stakeholders around the organization, which is a good way to get more people involved and let the larger membership know what’s happening at every level of the group.

The format of the LOPSAgram is convenient, but it would be advantageous to work to find a way to get a more professional-looking newsletter layout and offer it to logged-in members on the LOPSA website. This PDF or HTML version would also allow us to embed photos of our various events, and put a much more professional appearance on member communications.

Over time, I would like to morph the LOPSAgram into something much more like a newsletter, complete with member-submitted articles and professional advice that can benefit our members. I have subscribed to newsletters from other professions, and one thing that they all have in common is that they dispense advice relevant to the practitioners.

If you want to see an example, subscribe to Physicians Practice site and opt into the newsletter. Each issue covers things relevant to practicing medical professionals, whether it’s changes in medical coding standards (the ICD-10 change), how to deal with patients who don’t pay, or even in how doctors can get the most bang for their buck by investing for their retirement. These are the types of things that absolutely no one is providing for IT administrators, and this is completely “in our wheelhouse” as a professional association. We have the beginnings of something very special with the LOPSAgram. I believe that we need to get more volunteers on it and make it something even better than it is.

The LOPSA.org blogs are also a great addition that I think more members and leaders in the group need to use. I don’t think that the blogs are the right way for Board members to disseminate official information, but it is nice to see what our group’s leaders think about current topics in system administration or LOPSA in
particular. Several of the current and past Board members have used it from time to time, and I think it would be nice if more Board members would use it as well. I would commit to at least two posts per month on things relevant to our members.

I’d also like to remind you that as a LOPSA member, you have blog space on our website, too. More members blogging about the profession would definitely be a welcome change.

Not providing professional guidance is leaving a large gaping hole in our value proposition. I will work to fix this through building personal and professional relationships with industry leaders and professional service providers who can act like subject matter experts for us, and by encouraging those who are already our members to contribute to the process.