Announcing my candidacy for the 2013 LOPSA Board of Directors

I'm very happy to announce that I am a candidate for election to the LOPSA Board of Directors for the ensuing term. I have worked very hard for LOPSA as a volunteer, but there are certain things that you can only do from inside "the machinery", as it were, so I'm throwing my hat in the ring, and I'm here to ask for your support. Here is a brief overview of my history with LOPSA:

I have prepared a detailed candidate statement. Eight pages is, however, a lot to take in during a busy day, so I will be breaking up the statement into sections and posting them here over the coming days to discuss them more fully.

I firmly believe that LOPSA has the ability to do great things, and the future of our profession is too important to sit by and do nothing. We need to start directing our own future by making changes right now. Help make those changes a reality by voting for me in the 2013 election for the LOPSA Board of Directors.