nwdiag generates a network-diagram image file from a .diag text file logically describing the network
nwdiag is intended to generate network diagrams that are embedded in larger documents; not for generation of standalone documents. Therefore there is no provision for adding document metadata, such as Name, Author, Date.
However, you can add an infobox (a box with the diagram's Name, Author, and Date in it) as follows:
1. Create a "network infobox" network that has one object in it.
2. Hide the network and the connector so only the object label shows.
3. Put metadata into the object label. That's the only thing that will show.
nwdiag {
network {
host1; host2;
network infobox {
linecolor = white; # hide the connector
hidden = true; # hide the network
label = ""; # hide the network label
address =""; # hide the network address
infobox_contents [label = "Name of DiagramnAuthor: Name of AuthornDate: revision datenAny notes", width=250, height=179];