LOPSA-Live Candidate Forum – Thursday, May 24th, 9pm ET (6pm PT)

LOPSA Live Candidate Forum #2


The second LOPSA Live Candidate Forum will take place on Thursday, May 24th at 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific. 

The format will be identical to the first, however the time has been moved later to allow more people to take part. 

Join #LOPSA-Live on Freenode. You can find instructions for connecting at https://lopsa.org/irc

The candidates for election to the LOPSA Board of Directors are: 

Martin Gehrke

Evan Pettrey

John Boris

Kent Brodie

Matt Disney


The election polls are open from June 1st through June 15th

This will be the last LOPSA-Live Candidate Forum before the election, so make sure to attend and get the answers you need to decide on the future of LOPSA and your profession.