What makes a “master” IT worker?


Mike and I started the discussion on what makes a master IT worker after I brought up a Cal Newport post detailing some of the myths of seeking the perfect career. Much of what Cal said, I agreed with–the job you want isn't going to plop down in your lap. The job that you find to be rewarding and engaging isn't the job where people are just waiting on you to show up and interview for. It is something that you craft, that you leverage what you have and you grow into.

However, Mike made mention that a lot of what Newport talks about in his Career Craftsman ideology is more easily applied to someone who has a craft that they can practice (e.g., a violinist or a mathematician). IT isn't so much a practice. It's not a craft that you hone.  It's knowledge that you gain and apply.

This brought the two of us to a question: What makes a master IT worker?

For me, one of the core fundamentals of being in IT is that I provide (and expect to be provided with) EXCELLENT customer service.  My background with customer service has been a MAJOR asset in my current job, as well as my job with the University of Tennessee.

I ran across a post a while back in reddit discussing this very same question, although from the perspective of a sysadmin.

What do you think makes a master IT worker? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments.