2012 Candidate Statement: Martin Gehrke

My name is Martin Gehrke, and I am running for the LOPSA board.

Why am I qualified to be on the Board?
While I am relatively new to LOPSA, I feel I have a lot to add. When learning that Pittsburgh did not have a LOPSA chapter, I founded one. We have grown from nothing to meetings of 10+ members.  I have also been a leader in the other parts of my life: Captain of my college crew team, Eagle Scout, and the father of 2. Most importantly, I have the desire to be involved. I want to see LOPSA grow into the organization we need for our profession.

Why am I running for the Board?
Local chapters are the face and lifeblood of LOPSA. My experience has given me unique insight into how we can leverage current chapters to expand membership and presence, how we can grow by planting new chapters, and the questions uninformed sysadmins ask about LOSPA. While starting up my local chapter, I found little help or resources. I emailed the board with a number of ideas on how to help LOPSA encourage the growth and planting of local chapters. The Local Chapter Committee has started working on a number of the ideas. As a board member, I would prioritize this initiative. I would like to see the Local Chapter program be as successful as the mentorship program. The board has detailed all the areas of priority (https://lopsa.org/content/lopsa-board-project-priorities-2011-2012). I will work tirelessly to meet our goals and more.

I want to help LOPSA become what you and I want and need the organization to be. I promise to listen and encourage feedback from all members. I’d appreciate your vote.

My personal blog can be found at http://martingehrke.com