Hello! I'm Kent Brodie – I currently work as a Senior Sysadmin for the Medical College of Wisconsin supporting the area of genetic research. (If anyone has a few hundred terabytes of disk to spare, please send it my way..).
I was recently asked by members of the LOPSA board to run as a candidate for this year's election – a request which I am honored to help out with.
I'd like to post a BRIEF candidate statement (you're welcome..): Late last year, the LOPSA board published the following as their set of priorities for the near future:
Benefits, Diversity, Job Board, Mentorship, and Volunteers.
(Click here for the whole article)
I was excited to see this, because for the first time in a long while, I finally started seeing LOPSA have a formal sense of direction as an organization. I believe there's been a bit of progress in all of these areas, and simply put – as a board member, I would like to do my best to help keep the momentum going. I don't have grand ideas for major changes; the above priorities are good, solid, and attainable.
A volunteer organization thrives best when there is a constant infusion of "new blood" – new volunteers who are willing to jump in and help, in whatever capacity they can.
My best qualification for being on the board? I haven't done it before. That means an additional viewpoint… additional ideas, and new energy that can help keep LOPSA moving forward.
LOPSA is a great organization – we are all in a very specialized field and having a focal point for sysadmins is a huge win for everyone. My goal simply put, help make it more successful in any way I can.
If you would like to ask me specific questions or just chat – I can be found hanging out in #lopsa much of the time, or you can email me at: brodie at mcw dot edu.