Help Bellevue College develop a SA-related degree program

From email that was just sent to the Seattle Area System Administrators Guild:

Hello SASAG members,

Bellevue College is planning to add an applied bachelor’s degree in Information Systems & Technology to our current certificates and two-year programs in IT. One of the planned foci of this degree will be systems and network administration.

We hope you will help us gather employer feedback on the current knowledge and skills sought in a baccalaureate-level IT professional by:

1. Completing our employer survey.

The survey is brief (approximately 5 minutes), anonymous, and designed to help us design a degree that will meet employer needs.The survey solicits individual opinions and does not imply that respondents are speaking on behalf of their organizations.

2. Sharing the survey link with others who hire systems and network administrators.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thanks for your help,


Leslie Heizer Newquist

Director, Applied Baccalaureate Development
leslie.newquist —