I thought I would write a little about Office 2010. I realize this isn’t about Windows, but Office is important too. I really think that Microsoft messed up the user interface on 2007, and I know a lot of people that feel the same way. Granted, they were looking to improve the user experience, and they primarily had the new user in mind. But what about the literally millions of users that they left behind?
Well, it looks like the interface has been improved further for 2010. The ribbons are still there, but at least it appears to look a little bit more like the 2003 interface than 2007 did. One aspect of 2010 that really gets me excited is the Office Web piece! This looks like it might be the start of a beautiful friendship between a lot of new users and Microsoft, especially because the web access is free to everyone. It includes the abiliy to store documents online so the user can access them from any computer that has access to the Internet.
The only aspects of the Office Web that concerns me are the privacy factor (of course, how many people will actually be able to see my documents online??) and the redundancy factor (are my documents safe from accidental deletion or power problems on the server side??). It will be very interesting to see what happens with Office Web, but one thing is for sure – it will be like nothing we have experienced before. Web 3.0 – here we come!!
Oh, and by the way, if for some reason you want to look at my website, I offer Phoenix computer repair and I also fix computers when they won’t boot, run slow, or won’t run right