2010 ACM Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction for the Management of Information Technology (CHIMIT ’10) http://chimit10.org
November 12-13, 2010
San Jose, CA USA
Co-located with the 24th USENIX Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA ’10) http://www.usenix.org/events/lisa10/
Since 2007, CHIMIT has been the leading forum for discussing topics on IT management with a focus on people, business, and technology. At CHIMIT, researchers and practitioners share issues, solutions, and research drawing upon fields such as human-computer interaction, human factors, collaborative work, computer systems, and management and service sciences to address cognitive, social, and technical issues in managing the increasing complexity of modern Information Technology (IT) systems.
CHIMIT is an ACM-sponsored conference, and accepted Paper and Short Paper submissions will be archived in the ACM Digital Library. We are also soliciting submissions for Panels, Courses, and a non-archival Poster Session for work in progress.
I look forward to seeing you all this November!