Some of you have been doing LDAP for a long time. And, some of you (like me) may be relatively new to the game. (Can I help it if I like NIS? – it’s simple, and it WORKS). But- various regulatory issues and security flaws require that we all move to something better, which is often some type of LDAP.
I did it the hard way at first– compiling and building ldap services, hooked in with openssl and all the other pieces of the puzzle. Even on a newer redhat environment, it was a _little_ daunting.
Then I found FDS. FDS, aka “Fedora Directory Server” aka “389” – is essentually the redhat directory server reborn. It’s all standard rpm packages (but not from redhat, look for the docs to tell you where the repos are) – and well, it’s one of those things that filled a void “and jut works”. I had full ldap services, with ssl and multi-master replication set up in under a day. The console tools are extensive.
Anyway, if you’re doing ldap goodies, and you haven’t seen it, it’s worth a look:
Thanks tons to stpierre for his assistance in helping me get going on this.