I saw on one of the news sites (Slashdot or OSNews, forget which exactly) a story about the following [http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/10-ultimate-rules-for-effective-system-administration.html|10 Essential Rules for System Administrators]. These are mostly pretty basic and many of them are not really SA specific. I’m not certain that “backup regularly” and “test your backups regularly” are deserving of being two separate rules; I consider that testing backups is part of the overall backup process.
One thing I thought was kind of interesting was the timing of this coming out with the number one rule being “Keep it Simple” and my first __Black Belt System Administration__ topic [:/node/1655|”A punch is just a punch”], which is not specifically about system design but about sticking with the basics. I’ve actually got a different entry planned for keeping it simple, but they are still similar topics.