LOPSA blogging tips and shortcuts

Some tips on publishing content

Most people don’t know some of the shortcuts you can use to make content publishing easier and more useful. One of the first lessons is using interwiki to provide quick links to reference material.


For some tips on using this, see http://lopsa.org/interwiki/6.


Also, below the list of input filters when you are composing your blog entry you will find a link that says More information about formatting options. This link can also be accessed directly at http://lopsa.org/filter/tips.


Example usage [[rfc:3854]] will give you an inline link that says 3584 and links to that rfc at the RFC index.
[[w:TCP/IP]] links to the wikipedia entry for TCP/IP.


this style interwiki syntax is available in several input formats including wiki, textile, and filtered HTML.


If there are other kinds of markup that you would like to see, send us feedback.