I work for a dotcom that didn’t go dotboom. We’re trying to hire a sysadmin and we’re offering 75th percentile rates (or higher) for the “right person.” Despite an aggressive interview schedule, good perks, a great company to work for, it’s been next to impossible to find anyone. We’ve made a few offers and been turned down without even being given opportunity to make a follow-up offer. We did hire one person, but he quit in 2 weeks with some excuse about not liking the area (I read that as: I got a better offer elsewhere).
So my question is this: Is it 1997 again where anyone with any technical talent has been snapped up and is making more money than god? Are we offering huge salaries to anyone who has a pulse (and some who can at least fake a pulse sometimes)?
Is dice.com’s salary estimator really that far off?
Am I wrong in thinking that fast-paced and exciting is a good thing?
Are there really so few system administrators in the bay area and do they all work at Google?