LOPSA stuff going on

So, with all the debates, confusion, and flurry of messages flying about, it seems that LOPSA has managed to overcome quite a pile of obstacles and emerge as a real organization doing real things. Granted, most people don’t seem much beyond a fledgling web site and some mailing lists (that still seem quite busy considering their newness), but the level of frenzied activity behind the scenes to get everything up and running in a proper manner has been amazing. I certainly am both wiped out and completely jazzed up about it all.

I want to send a huge ‘thank you for your considerable efforts and sacrifice of time and energy’ to the SAGE Interim/transition/whatever-they-were-called board that tried so hard to make the SAGE transition from USENIX successful, the currently elected Board of Directors for LOPSA, the LOPSA Tech Team who’ve worked so hard to get the technology working to support our new organization, and, lastly, the additional volunteers that have worked and are still working so hard to make this work for us all.

I feel quite proud that a hodge-podge bunch of SysAdmin geeks could jump up and work so hard for a common goal and participate in our professional community. We are still a young profession, but we are a profession. If we organize and communicate, we will present ourselves more professionally to the rest of the world, including our coworkers (fellow IT workers and non-IT workers alike), management, and employees.

Welcome aboard, fellow SysAdmins! It will be a helluva roller-coaster ride, but it sure will be rewarding.